More and more often we are asked how to train data pro­tec­tion and the requi­re­ments of the GDPR.

For inter­nal data pro­tec­tion offi­cers (DPOs) or, if you don’t have a DPO, for the inter­nal data pro­tec­tion cont­act per­son, the­re are num­e­rous trai­ning cour­ses and cour­ses for fur­ther trai­ning in the GDPR requi­re­ments. Howe­ver, fami­lia­riza­ti­on with data pro­tec­tion takes days and weeks and is hea­vy lif­ting for non-lawyers.

First of all, the­se cour­ses are not sui­ta­ble for the employees of the com­pa­ny who work with per­so­nal data in the depart­ments on a dai­ly basis or make decis­i­ons about the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data, e.g. hand­le requests from customers/suppliers/applicants/employees.

The 8 prin­ci­ples as a list of links:

IT depart­ments, in par­ti­cu­lar, quick­ly have direct access to per­so­nal data when pro­ces­sing logs or trou­ble­shoo­ting IT sys­tems, and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assu­me a gre­at deal of responsibility.

Busi­ness are­as such as sales or mar­ke­ting want far-rea­ching com­pe­ten­ci­es when deal­ing with per­so­nal data such as pro­s­pects, cus­to­mers, purcha­sed addres­ses as well as exter­nal cloud ser­vices. Often the legal issues of data pro­tec­tion are then mis­in­ter­pre­ted or even ignored.

The­r­e­fo­re, we have deci­ded to offer the prin­ci­ples of data pro­tec­tion espe­ci­al­ly for employees wit­hout spe­cial data pro­tec­tion trai­ning in 8 simp­le infor­ma­ti­on blocks. For this pur­po­se, we offer end cus­to­mers to use our infor­ma­ti­on free of char­ge in the com­pa­ny. Both the con­tent and the eight car­toon exam­p­le gra­phics can be used free of char­ge in your inter­nal trai­ning cour­ses, work­shops or intra­net cam­paigns. For copy­right reasons, a source refe­rence is requi­red for each use. To do so, plea­se sim­ply refe­rence the fol­lo­wing source cita­ti­on: “Man­fred Scholz,, 2018”.

We ask for your under­stan­ding that IT ser­vice pro­vi­ders or trai­ning com­pa­nies using our con­tent com­mer­ci­al­ly or for third par­ties need a writ­ten con­sent from SEC4YOU for this. Plea­se use our cont­act form for cont­ac­ting us.

You can find all 8 prin­ci­ples under the fol­lo­wing Link.

The gra­phics for Power­Point, your e‑learning sys­tem or the intra­net can be found at the fol­lo­wing link: