For 15 years now, the Hagen­berg Cir­cle has been orga­ni­zing the Secu­ri­ty Forum, the annu­al ICT secu­ri­ty con­fe­rence in Hagen­berg, direct­ly on the cam­pus of the Hagen­berg Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces. The appro­xi­m­ate­ly 200 par­ti­ci­pan­ts from all over Aus­tria, Ger­ma­ny and Switz­er­land app­re­cia­te the high qua­li­ty of the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and the pro­fes­sio­nal atmo­sphe­re of the event.

The event is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for fur­ther trai­ning in the many spe­cia­list IT secu­ri­ty topics pre­sen­ted over the two days in the two lar­ge lec­tu­re halls. The spea­k­ers will be available to ans­wer ques­ti­ons both after the pre­sen­ta­ti­on, but also during the breaks or at the net­wor­king event on the evening of May 2.

This year, the sub­mit­ted SEC4YOU pre­sen­ta­ti­on “IT secu­ri­ty in indus­try using the IEC 62443 series of stan­dards” was sel­ec­ted by the Hagen­ber­ger Kreis com­mit­tee and we are hap­py to share our expe­ri­ence on indus­tri­al secu­ri­ty and the IEC 62443 series of stan­dards on May 2, 2018 at 16:25. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on will be made by SEC4YOU mana­ging direc­tor Man­fred Scholz.

Excerpt from the agenda:

  • Cyber Defence — what capa­bi­li­ties do we need — Wal­ter Unger.
  • Advan­ced Thre­at Pro­tec­tion against Next Gene­ra­ti­on Mal­wa­re Attacks — Thomas
  • Roß­mann & Mar­kus Seme
  • Ale­xa, whe­re is Max Mustermann’s data stored? — Georg Beham & Roland Pucher
  • Your best fri­end is now your worst ene­my — Max Gon­cha­rov & Ilya Nesterov
  • IoT-Inspec­tor (auto­ma­ted ana­ly­sis of IoT devices) — Ste­fan Viehböck
  • Auto­ma­ted secu­ri­ty — prac­ti­cal tips from the DevOps area — Lukas Feiler
  • DSGVO from the per­spec­ti­ve of a secu­ri­ty expert — Wolf­gang Schnabl
  • Indus­tri­al Pene­tra­ti­on Test­ing — An orga­niza­tio­nal view of things — Georg Kremsner
  • Secu­ri­ty and Data Pro­tec­tion Manage­ment in Con­trol­led Tracks — Suc­cessful with GRC Tools — Tho­mas Wagner
  • IT secu­ri­ty in indus­try using the IEC 62443 series of stan­dards — Man­fred Scholz
  • Rea­li­ty and Myth of Data Secu­ri­ty after the GDPR — Lukas Feiler
  • My Wife Went To The Dark … Web — Eddy Willems
  • RSA — 41 years of rese­arch and still full of sur­pri­ses — Mar­kus Hof­bau­er & Chris­to­pher Meyer
  • Cyber­Se­cu­ri­ty in the Auto­mo­ti­ve Envi­ron­ment — Tom Vogt
  • OPN­sen­se — the “open” fire­wall for home office to data cen­ter — Wer­ner Fischer
  • Streng­thening the wea­k­est link through Con­text-Based Micro Trai­ning — Mar­cus Nohlberg

We cor­di­al­ly invi­te you to visit us at the Secu­ri­ty Forum 2018. Also this year we are spon­sor of this important IT secu­ri­ty event and will be pre­sent with an exhi­bi­tor booth both days.

Your on-site team:

René Pfeif­fer, Seni­or Secu­ri­ty Consultant
Andre­as Schus­ter, Seni­or Secu­ri­ty Trans­for­ma­ti­on Manager
Man­fred Scholz, Mana­ging Director

You will reco­gni­ze us by our fri­end­ly man­ner, our com­pe­tence, or sim­ply by our name tag 😉