Vom 14. bis 17. Novem­ber 2017 fin­det die DEEPSEC wie­der im Impe­ri­al Riding School Hotel in Wien statt. Das Event glie­dert sich an den ers­ten bei­den Tagen (14. und 15. Novem­ber) in einen Trai­nings­teil und von 16. bis 17. Novem­ber in die hoch­wer­ti­ge DEEPSEC Kon­fe­renz. Link zur Event­sei­te.

Als Anreiz für Ihren Besuch bie­tet SEC4YOU einen Rabatt­code über 15% gül­tig für alle neu­en Buchun­gen an. Nut­zen Sie das Kon­takt­for­mu­lar unten, um Ihren Rabatt­code anzufordern:

  • DEEPSEC Rabatt­code anfordern

Aus­zug aus der Agenda

  • Social Sci­ence First! — Dr. Jes­si­ca Bar­ker (Co-Foun­der, Redac­ted Firm)
  • Don’t Let The Cuten­ess Fool You — Exploi­ting IoT’s MQTT Pro­to­col — dal­moz (Mos­he Zio­ni) (VERINT)
  • Next-Gen Mirai — Bal­tha­sar Mar­tin & Fabi­an Bräun­lein (SRlabs)
  • Pay­ing the Pri­ce for Dis­rup­ti­on: How a Fin­Tech Allo­wed Account Take­over — Vin­cent Hau­pert, Tilo Mül­ler, and Domi­nik Mai­er (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin, Fried­rich-Alex­an­der Uni­ver­si­ty Erlangen-Nürnberg)
  • Les­sons Lear­ned: How To (Not) Design Your Own Pro­to­col — Nico­lai Davids­son (zyan­ti­fic)
  • XFLTRe­aT: A New Dimen­si­on In Tun­nell­ing — Balazs Buc­say (NCC Group)
  • A Sur­vey On Auto­ma­ted Dyna­mic Mal­wa­re Ana­ly­sis Eva­si­on and Coun­ter-Eva­si­on: PC, Mobi­le, and Web — Alex­ei Bula­zel & Bulent Yener (River Loop Secu­ri­ty, LLC, Rens­se­laer Poly­tech­nic Institute)
  • Lock, Stock And Two Smo­king App­les — XNU Ker­nel Secu­ri­ty — Alex Plas­kett & James Lou­rei­ro (MWR InfoSecurity)
  • Beha­vi­or Based Secu­re And Resi­li­ent Sys­tem Deve­lo­p­ment — Dr. Muham­mad Tai­moor Khan (Alpen-Adria Uni­ver­si­ty, Kla­gen­furt, Austria)
  • Wie­der­gän­ger: Exploi­ting Unboun­ded Array Access Vul­nerabi­li­ties on Linux — Juli­an Kirsch, Bru­no Bier­bau­mer, Tho­mas Kit­tel, Clau­dia Eckert (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich)
  • How My SVM Nai­led Your Mal­wa­re — Nik­hil P. Kul­kar­ni (Inde­pen­dent Secu­ri­ty Researcher)
  • Bey­ond The Spear — What Can Orga­niza­ti­ons Do To Deal With Spear Phis­hing — John­ny Deutsch (EY USA)
  • Who Hid My Desk­top – Deep Dive Into hVNC — Or Safran & Pavel Asi­novs­ky (IBM Secu­ri­ty Trusteer)
  • Inse­cu­ri­ty In Infor­ma­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy — Tanya Jan­ca (Cana­di­an Government)
  • How To Hide Your Brow­ser 0‑days: Free Offen­se And Defen­se Tips Included — Zol­tan Balazs (MRG Effitas)
  • Repai­ring The inter­net With Respon­si­ble Dis­clo­sures — Vic­tor Gevers (0xDUDE) (GDI.foundatoin)
  • Mal­wa­re Ana­ly­sis: A Machi­ne Lear­ning Approach — Chi­heb Che­b­bi (TEK-UP University)
  • Peo­p­le­Soft: Hack The Planet’s Uni­ver­si­ties — Dmit­ry Yudin (https://erpscan.com)
  • Skip Tra­cing For Fun And Pro­fit — Rhett Green­ha­gen (McA­fee)
  • Effec­ti­ve Secu­ri­ty Risk Miti­ga­ti­on Stra­tegy For Coun­tering Terrro­rism — A Case Stu­dy On Paki­stan — Cap­tain Kaleem Ahmad ® (Pak Arab Refi­nery Limited)
  • Unco­ve­ring And Visua­li­zing Bot­net Infra­struc­tu­re And Beha­vi­or — Josh Pyor­re & Andrea Scar­fo (OpenDNS/Cisco)
  • Intel AMT: Using & Abusing The Ghost In The Machi­ne — Par­th Shuk­la (Goog­le)
  • Nor­mal Per­mis­si­ons In Android: An Audio­vi­su­al Decep­ti­on — Con­stan­ti­nos Pat­sa­kis (Uni­ver­si­ty of Piraeus)
  • Hack­ing The Brain For Fun And Pro­fit — Ste­fan Hager (DATEV eG)
  • Out-of-Order Exe­cu­ti­on as a Cross-VM Side Chan­nel and Other Appli­ca­ti­ons — Sophia d’Antoine, Jere­my Blackt­hor­ne, Bülent Yener (Trail of Bits, Rens­se­laer Poly­tech­nic Institute)
  • Foren­sic Accoun­ting – The What, Why And How — Ulri­ke Hugl (Uni­ver­si­ty of Innsbruck)
  • Making Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Mea­sura­ble — Ste­fan Schu­ma­cher (Mag­de­bur­ger Insti­tut für Sicherheitsforschung)
  • On The (In-)Security Of Java­Script Object Sig­ning and Encryp­ti­on — Den­nis Dete­ring, Juraj Somo­rovs­ky, Chris­ti­an Main­ka, Vla­dis­lav Mla­de­nov, Jörg Schwenk (Horst Görtz Insti­tu­te for IT Secu­ri­ty, Chair for Net­work and Data Secu­ri­ty, Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­ty Bochum)
  • I Wro­te my Own Ran­som­wa­re; Did Not Make 1 Iota Of A Bit­co­in — Tho­mas Fischer (Digi­tal Guardian)
  • Cloud Of Sus­pi­ci­on: Sca­ling Up Phis­hing Cam­paigns Using Goog­le Apps Scripts — Maor Bin (Pro­of­point)
  • Enhan­cing Con­trol Flow Graph Based Bina­ry Func­tion Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on — Cle­mens Joni­sch­keit, Juli­an Kirsch (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich)
  • BIT­SIn­ject — Con­trol Your BITS, Get SYSTEM — Dor Azou­ri (Secu­ri­ty rese­ar­cher @SafeBreach)
  • How Secu­re Are Your VoL­TE And VoWi­Fi Calls? — Sree­pri­ya Cha­lak­kal (ERNW GmbH)
  • Essen­ti­al Infra­struc­tu­re Inter­de­pen­den­ci­es: Would We Be Pre­pared For Signi­fi­cant Inter­rup­ti­ons? — Her­bert Sau­rugg (Cyber Secu­ri­ty Austria)
  • Bit­Cra­cker: Bit­Lo­cker Meets GPUs — Ele­na Ago­s­ti­ni (Natio­nal Rese­arch Coun­cil of Italy)
  • Bypas­sing Web Appli­ca­ti­on Fire­walls — Kha­lil Bij­jou (EUROSEC GmbH)
  • Open­DXL In Acti­ve Respon­se Sce­na­ri­os — Tar­mo Ran­del (CCDCOE)
  • How I Rob Banks — Fre­aky­clown (Redac­ted Firm)
  • Secu­ring The Dark­net — Jens Kubie­ziel (TorServers.net)
    A sto­ry of a vul­nerabi­li­ty: How to exe­cu­te code on a foren­sic work­sta­tion — Wolf­gang Ett­lin­ger (SEC Consult)
  • Buil­ding Secu­ri­ty Teams — Aste­ra Schnee­weisz (Sound­Cloud)