Due to the EU Con­su­mer Rights Direc­ti­ve, the­re is a right of with­dra­wal for con­su­mers in distance sel­ling tran­sac­tions in all EU mem­ber sta­tes. The EU Direc­ti­ve appli­es only to con­tracts bet­ween trad­ers and con­su­mers (B2C) and gives con­su­mers cer­tain rights, which are ful­ly har­mo­ni­zed unless other­wi­se pro­vi­ded in the indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of the Direc­ti­ve.  In Aus­tria, the Con­su­mer Rights Direc­ti­ve has been imple­men­ted pri­ma­ri­ly in the form of the Distance and For­eign Tran­sac­tions Act (FAGG). Some pro­vi­si­ons were inser­ted direct­ly into the Con­su­mer Pro­tec­tion Act (KSchG).

The Direc­ti­ve does not app­ly to B2B tran­sac­tions. The­r­e­fo­re, the­re is no such sta­tu­to­ry right of with­dra­wal in the B2B sector.

Source: https://www.wko.at/service/wirtschaftsrecht-gewerberecht/Ruecktrittsrecht_bei_Warenkauf_im_Internet.html

Sin­ce our offer is direc­ted exclu­si­ve­ly to busi­ness cus­to­mers, we exclude a right of with­dra­wal for con­su­mers in distance sel­ling transactions.

Should you wish to chan­ge or can­cel your order, we will be hap­py to com­ply with your request if your order has not yet cau­sed any per­son­nel or mate­ri­al expenses.

Plea­se use our cont­act form in this case.