Fol­low the recom­men­da­ti­on of experts: per­form an infra­struc­tu­re pene­tra­ti­on test at least once a year.

When per­forming pene­tra­ti­on tests, we pay atten­ti­on to a struc­tu­red approach. To this end, we divi­de our tech­ni­cal audits into pha­ses accor­ding to the recom­men­da­ti­on of the Ger­man Fede­ral Office for Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty (BSI):

  1. Pre­pa­ra­ti­on
  2. Infor­ma­ti­on gathe­ring and auto­ma­tic scans
  3. Eva­lua­ti­on of the infor­ma­ti­on / risk analysis
  4. Acti­ve, manu­al pene­tra­ti­on tests
  5. Final ana­ly­sis, documentation
5 Phasen des Penetration Test - SEC4YOU

5 pha­ses of the pene­tra­ti­on test — SEC4YOU

We attach par­ti­cu­lar importance to the writ­ten final report, which con­ta­ins tech­ni­cal fin­dings as well as recom­men­da­ti­ons for imple­men­ta­ti­ons and a non-tech­ni­cal manage­ment summary.

In addi­ti­on to your cont­act details, we requi­re the num­ber of exter­nal IP addres­ses that you want us to test in the cour­se of the pene­tra­ti­on test. In addi­ti­on, you defi­ne the cri­ti­cal­i­ty of your ser­vices in the “Bron­ze”, “Sil­ver, or “Gold” levels in the request. Accor­ding to the descrip­ti­on in the form below, “Bron­ze” is sui­ta­ble for simp­le envi­ron­ments, “Sil­ver” and “Gold” for lar­ger com­pa­nies with medi­um IT com­ple­xi­ty or orga­niza­ti­ons who­se pro­ces­ses are signi­fi­cant­ly depen­dent on their own IT infrastructure.

This is how you secu­re the SEC4YOU promotion:

  1. Request a quo­te using the form below by March 31, 2018.
  2. Order the offer until May 31, 2018
  3. Request the ser­vice until Sep­tem­ber 30, 2018

  • Pene­tra­ti­on test quo­te request

    Note: The hig­her levels are tes­ted with more manu­al test­ing effort by our IT secu­ri­ty experts.