The local Aus­tri­an chap­ters of both ISACA and (ISC)2 invi­te you to a full-day event in the Bass­a­no Hall of the Kunst­his­to­ri­sches Muse­um on Octo­ber 12, 2017 under the topic “Cyber Secu­ri­ty Shows Tee­th — Trends | Regu­la­ti­ons | Requi­re­ments | Deve­lo­p­ments 2017+”. In line with the the­me, the plan­ned pre­sen­ta­ti­ons will focus on dif­fe­rent levels (regu­la­to­ry, orga­niza­tio­nal as well as tech­ni­cal) on the chan­ge curr­ent­ly taking place regar­ding the per­cep­ti­on of cyber secu­ri­ty, from a “side­show” to the (also legal­ly and regu­la­to­ry dri­ven) main stage in today’s digi­tal pro­fes­sio­nal world.

The event is free of char­ge for mem­bers of the (ISC)2 Aus­tria Chap­ter OR the ISACA Aus­tria Chap­ter. For non-mem­bers an event fee of 100 Euro will be charged.

Regis­tra­ti­on is open until 07/31/2017 ONLY for mem­bers of the (ISC)² Aus­tria Chap­ter OR the ISACA Aus­tria Chap­ter. Regis­tra­ti­on will be open for non-mem­bers from 01.08.2017.

IEC 62443 — IT Secu­ri­ty in Industry

At 14:00, Man­fred Scholz from SEC4YOU will pre­sent the talk “IEC 62443 — IT Secu­ri­ty in Indus­try”:  The incre­asing digi­ta­liza­ti­on and net­wor­king in the field of con­trol and auto­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy means that the thre­ats and risks known from stan­dard IT app­ly in the same way. For this reason, the topic of IT secu­ri­ty is incre­asing­ly coming into focus here as well. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly becau­se not only indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties but also cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tures can be affec­ted. Mee­ting the­se chal­lenges requi­res a struc­tu­red approach that beg­ins with design and extends through imple­men­ta­ti­on to plant ope­ra­ti­on. The IEC 62443 series of stan­dards addres­ses IT secu­ri­ty in the indus­tri­al envi­ron­ment and defi­nes the requi­re­ments for manu­fac­tu­r­ers, inte­gra­tors and ope­ra­tors, and is curr­ent­ly co-desi­gned and sup­port­ed as a stan­dard by many well-known manu­fac­tu­r­ers of indus­tri­al con­trol sys­tems. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on pro­vi­des an over­view of the series of stan­dards and the requi­re­ments that manu­fac­tu­r­ers, inte­gra­tors and ope­ra­tors must face.

Cyber Secu­ri­ty Shows Tee­th — Agenda:

  • 09:00: Ope­ning of the doors Maria The­re­si­en-Platz | Regis­tra­ti­on at high table in the ent­rance foy­er & Wel­co­me Coffee
  • 10:00: Ope­ning & Intro­duc­tion, To be announced
  • 10:15: IT Risk/IT Secu­ri­ty in the Focus of Super­vi­si­on, Anna Muri, Ste­fan Unter­eg­ger, Andre­as Griess­ner, CFA, CIACISA
  • 10:45: Secu­ri­ty in the cour­se of the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on of our socie­ty, Dr. Tobi­as Höllwarth
  • 11:15: IoT Secu­ri­ty Tool­kit, Fran­jo Majstor
  • 11:45: Lunch
  • 13:00: Results of the EY Data Pro­tec­tion Stu­dy 2016/2017 for Aus­tria, Gott­fried Ton­we­ber, CISA, CRISC, PRINCE2.
  • 13:20: DSGVO imple­men­ta­ti­on at ÖAMTC, Rena­te Grabin­ger / Chris­toph Pertl, CISSP
  • 13:40: DSMS/ISMS, Ste­fan Jakoubi
  • 14:00: IEC 62443 — IT secu­ri­ty in indus­try, Man­fred Scholz, CISACISM
  • 14:30: Cof­fee break
  • 15:00: CSG — Cyber Secu­ri­ty Law, BMI/BVT — Spea­k­er to be announced
  • 15:30: Cri­sis Manage­ment in the Digi­tal Age, Rai­ner Eisen­kirch­ner, CISA, CISSP, CRISC, CBCI
  • 16:00: Attack Simu­la­ti­on 2017 — Red Team­ing as a modern test of my secu­ri­ty con­trols, Seve­rin Wink­ler, CISSP
  • 16:30: Recep­ti­on & Din­ner | Self-Gui­ded KHM Tours.

Ques­ti­ons about the event can be asked via the event orga­ni­zer or via our cont­act form.

More infor­ma­ti­on about the semi­nar and regis­tra­ti­on link:
