Tem­p­la­te audit pro­gram accor­ding to ISO 27001

Tem­p­la­te audit pro­gram accor­ding to ISO 27001


The audit programme developed by SEC4YOU according to ISO 27001 serves the information security officer or CISO in a structured planning of all necessary audit actions for the audit of an information security management system (ISMS).

The template comprises 136 audit actions on approx. 19 pages and has been tested many times in ISMS / ISO 27001 certifications.



The audit pro­gram­me covers the requi­re­ments of ISO 27001 chap­ters 4 to 10 as well as all chap­ters of Annex A (A.5 to A.18) and allows a struc­tu­red plan­ning over 3 years. The audit pro­gram­me con­ti­nuous­ly asses­ses the matu­ri­ty of the indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments with a three-level sca­le. At the same time, the inte­gra­ted audit plan can be used for simp­le action track­ing.

The total of 136 audit actions are repor­ted in a tabu­lar and gra­phi­cal form. This report is ide­al­ly sui­ted for manage­ment report­ing.

Lan­guage: German/English

Licence: Digi­tal tem­p­la­te in Micro­soft Office for­mat with right of use for one com­pa­ny. The tem­p­la­te may be modi­fied as desi­red. No resa­le, redis­tri­bu­ti­on or com­mer­cial use by con­sul­ting firms is permitted.


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